Hi all. Longtime LTH appreciator/very infrequent poster here. I thought I'd see if there might be some chocoholics here - specifically for craft chocolate/bean-to-bar chocolate (technically all chocolate - Hersheys, Nestle - is "bean to bar" in that part of the cocoa mass comes from cacao beans, but the "bean-to-bar" descriptor seems to be more widespread than "craft chocolate" as a way to distinguish quality from mass-produced chocolate).
Anyway, over the last year or so I've gotten quite into learning about cacao as an agricultural product - presumably along the same lines of how folks get into learning about coffee: discovering how a seed covered in acidic pulp becomes what we know as chocolate; appreciating the skill and patience it takes to make a high quality chocolate product with nuanced flavor; tasting some flavor commonalities/terroir specific to beans grown in particular regions; learning about the problematic labor issues with most supermarket chocolate, etc.
Most of my knowledge and curiosity has been fulfilled through virtual tastings and lessons. I haven't yet connected with anyone in the Chicago area with this shared interest. If anyone is interested, or curious, I think it could be fun to meet up and share good chocolate or perhaps take a field trip. We have some excellent craft chocolate makers right here: Sleepwalk Chocolateria in Pilsen and Chocs n' Boxes in Norridge. Both just won awards in an international craft chocolate competition.
https://enter.chocolateawards.com/compe ... 3-winners/Thanks,